Honors 231: LGBTI Rights in International Affairs
This Winter Quarter, I am so grateful to have taken this class with Professor Rainer. Although this class was online (like all my other classes), we were still able to create dynamic discussions on not only international current events, but also truly dissect the logistics of policy making—specifically how policy making can strengthen or weaken LGBTI rights.
What I found most interesting was that depending on certain policies, nations are able to appease more conservative nations into complying with LGBTI protection. For example, Sweden is known as a major LGBTI rights supporter on a global level so when they cut off ties with Saudi Arabia due to their exact-opposite feminist foreign policy, Sweden decided to make a very important decision—cut off political ties with Saudi Arabia.
I decided to do my policy proposal to address the criminalization of same-sex relations in Malawi by suggesting Sweden deliver aid directly to NGOs rather than going to the government.
Attached below is my presentation.